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Introduction: Eggplants usually come in purple colour. There are also green or white eggplants. The purple outer skin of eggplants is rich in vitamin P, which softens capillaries prevents hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Eggplants has marked efficacy in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.
Note: Eggplants are regarded as 'cold' in Chinese medicine, which means people with a weak body or 'cold' stomach should not eat too many of them. Eggplants are seasonal in the summer; after autumn, eggplants will become old, taste bitter and contain solanine which is harmful to the body. Hence, it should not be eaten in large quantities. Some people are allergic to eggplants – there will be a burning sensation in the mouth after consumption. People prone to diarrhea should stay away.
Purchase: Choose those which are intact and have dark purple skin. It should be firm and bouncy. The stem should be intact and not shriveled. The appearance can be long, straight or bent.
Cooking methods: Steam, cook, bake, pan-fry.
Home dishes: Steamed eggplant with garlic; eggplant with salted fish; baked and stuffed eggplants; pan-fried stuffed eggplants.