收费(65岁或以上): 新渡轮($2);天星小轮(免费)
Fare (Aged 65 or above): New World First Ferry ($2) ;Star Ferry (Free)
无障碍设施/服务: 码头空间宽敞、船舱设有轮椅摆放位置。
Barrier-free facilities/services: Spacious ferry pier, wheelchair position available in the decks
查询: 新渡轮航班搜查
Enquiry: New World First Ferry Time Table Search
Star Ferry
备注:轮椅人士必须留意普通船的跳板与高速船的跳板厚度不同,与码头地面的接触面会因船而异,因路面不顺畅而容易翻车。 如使用渡轮,尽量找人帮忙上落跳板,以免因跳板摇摆不定而发生意外。
Remarks: The thickness of the running board on different ferry vessels varies, with those on high speed boats thicker than the ordinary vessels, making the access to the ferry much more difficult and the wheelchair easy to tilt. Wheelchair users should ask for assistance when boarding a ferry vessel to avoid accidents due to the movement of the running board.